How do I solve the next not found error
4 points by Cipher22 on Mar 7, 2022 | hide | past | web | favorite | 5 comments
I'm just trying out the features i really love your work and I'm trying to deploy mine
2 points | jamala on Apr 23, 2022[‒]
sry, only a test
2 points | joe on Apr 2, 2022[‒]
hmm, do `npm install` I guess
3 points | Cipher22 on Apr 4, 2022[‒]
I have tried but I discovered that next is not installed in my system so I tried to install it but it keeps breaking I don't know if anybody has built it's particular clone of hacker news maybe the person can help me out
1 point | Bigdaddy on May 23, 2022[‒]
There are methods
-2 points | techmint on Mar 13, 2022[‒]