HeckarNews FAQ
Are there rules about submissions and comments?
How are items ranked?
The basic algorithm divides points by a power of the time since an item was submitted.
How is a user’s karma calculated?
The number of upvotes on their items and comments minus the number of downvotes.
Why don’t I see down arrows?
There are no down arrows on items. They appear on comments after users reach a certain karma threshold.
What kind of formatting can you use in comments?
How do I submit a question?
Use the submit link in the top bar, and leave the url field blank.
How do I make a link in a question?
You can’t. This is to prevent people from submitting a link with their comments in a privileged position at the top of the page. If you want to submit a link with comments, just submit it, then add a regular comment.
In my profile, what does showdead do?
If you turn it on, you’ll see all the items and comments that have been killed by moderators.
How do I reset my password?
If you have an email address in your profile, request a password reset here. If you haven’t, email me@krehwell.com for help.